Bridging the gap in financial literacy across generations

Weaving money discussions into everyday life in an enjoyable and effortless way


Weaving money discussions into everyday life in an enjoyable and effortless way 〰️


“The Money Adventures of Grandma Deer and Her Grand Deers”

(E-Book $3.99 | Physical Copy $11.99)

Now available for purchase directly from our site or through Amazon!

Meet Grandma Deer — the smart and savvy deer, who shares important lessons about life with her grand deers— Penny, Buck and Doe. In this first book in a series, Grandma Deer shares essential money lessons from which both the young and old can learn and re-learn. 

This book was written by two experienced Financial Literacy Educators as a “first money book” for young children. 

This book was written by two experienced Financial Literacy Educators as a “first money book” for young children. 

Adults, this is the perfect answer to your quest to begin to teach the children in your life about money matters.  Join Grandma Deer and our team in our journey towards financial literacy.  Do as Grandma Deer suggests: “Read Up - you may just learn something.”

What People Are Saying

  • What a wonderful and vivid way to teach youngsters the value of money! The visuals, the rhymes, and the connections make it all so real for various learning styles. I can’t wait to purchase copies for my special “little” people!

    Tiffany Murray | Secondary School Teacher, 19 Years

  • Penny Learns About Pennies is not just a story about finances, it is a story about love.  It is a story that quickly draws you into the world of Penny and Grandma Deer while teaching valuable facts about money that a young child can easily understand.

    Tonda Price | Grandmother

  • When my seven-year-old granddaughter was five or so, I started exchanging bills with her for coins in her piggy bank.  I wanted her to begin to understand the meaning of different forms of money.  After reading the beautifully written and illustrated Penny Learns About Pennies, I now have a far better way to teach my two-year-old granddaughter the same lesson.  And, I look forward to future books in the series.

    Lee Straus | EVP Onstead Holdings

  • As a retired educator and mother of a 6-year-old, I think this book is a wonderful teaching tool! I think that the simplistic terms and the building of a “buck” from pennies is a great start to help young children learn about money. I will definitely use this book to teach my child about money denominations and how saving a simple penny can turn into larger sums of money.

    Dr. Teri Lee | Retired Educator

The authors of the book:

Charlene Day

A doctor of public health by profession, Charlene A. Day, PhD has spent more than 35 years in the world of health education and understands the integral relationship between wealth and health. Moreover, she has seen how the lack of money and resources can impact health status. She has made it a goal to share the gift of wealth literacy with the world.

Patricia Davis

Patricia A. Davis is the Executive Director of Money Matter$, Inc., and Managing Director of Davis Financial Services in Mitchellville, MD., both of which focus on financial and wealth literacy. Ms. Davis is a seasoned former corporate finance executive who has held high-level positions with several Fortune 500 corporations. Over the years, she has provided financial education and training to hundreds of youth and adults.

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